About Us
Taking Care of You Is Taking Care of Your Baby.
Mind Body Baby works to educate and provide social-emotional support to new and expecting caregivers through the perinatal experience because when caregivers are nurtured, knowledgeable and respected; children have the ability to reach their fullest potential.

Lauren Burrow - Birth Doula/Childbirth Educator/Attorney
Rachel Hidalgo - Educator, Founder The Authentic Nest
Elena Arecco Bridgmon, MBD, PCC - Co-Founder, Executive Coach & Leadership Facilitator
Solange Tricanowicz - Economic Development Consultant
Brenda Hartman Millard- First Vice President/Senior Financial Advisor
Akemi Joi, MSW, LCSW - Coach, Clinician
Beth Ann Reisinger - Business coach and consultant
Lauren Golden, DC - Chiropractor, Golden Family Chiropractic
Tracey Cunningham - Communications Consultant
Bonnie Anderson, MSW, LCSWA - Therapist, Babywearing Educator
Our Vision
Our community is committed to ensuring that every parent feels valued, well-resourced, and equipped with the tools to build secure foundations for their babies.
Our Values
Community. Humility. Dignity.

In The Press
Mind Body Baby has been featured in several local and national publications. Our programs and resources have been recognized for their positive impact on families and their commitment to providing comprehensive support for parents and children.